Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Part Two of the New Englanders' Visit August 2015

On Friday, Sydney and Chris ventured out on their own, visiting museums in downtown Dallas.  Sydney was kind enough to send me photos and they are below.

Sydney and Chris in front of The Perot Museum.

Chris at DMA

Food truck festivities.

Pecan Lodge Dinner.

Large piece of gold at The Perot

The Arboretum
 They went to The Perot Museum and the Dallas Museum and ate brisket at a food truck.  Then met up with Steve and had dinner at the wonderful Pecan Lodge and then did other things. ;0)

On Saturday, I fetched Steve, Chris and Sydney and we headed to Fort Worth, where the West Begins!!  We had a wonderful lunch at The Original and then, due to the heat, did a lot of drive-by touring.  I'd not been up to the Stockyards in 25 or 30 years and oh my, has it ever changed.  It's SO touristy and crowded.  Not a stopping place, but we did drive through and they saw some longhorns and some horses.

Then, because we'd not had enough to eat at The Original [HA], we went to Angelo's, THE place for barbecue.  Sydney got a little startled as we entered . . .

There used to be a much larger bear here "back in the day" but it's been moved to a back dining room.  There are hunting trophies all over the walls here, but I neglected to photograph them.

Then, back to Dallas.  Sydney and Chris visited the House of Blues that night and saw Emery and another band.  They [he] loved it.

On Sunday, they toured The Arboretum and then had lunch at Good Friends for, what else, burgers.

Chris SUBTLELY mentioned a Peach Cream Pie so I made one:

Before being baked!

All baked up and ready to eat!
I threw some steaks on the grill and we had dinner - then quickly had dessert!  Chris was FORCED to eat two pieces of pie since he'd requested it.

We chatted, sipped wine or port and just had a good time.

Here's a group shot that Sydney set up:

Then on Monday, it was time to gather up The New Englanders.  We met Steve for lunch in Deep Ellum at Luscher's Red Hots [really good] - no burgers this time - hot dogs and corny dogs.

Then, I dropped Steve back at work and delivered Chris and Sydney to Love Field. [picture a sad look on my face]

What a wonderful couple they are!!!  And what fun it was to spend time with them.  I think Steve enjoyed showing them His City.

So until next time, I'll sign off!

1 comment:

Vicki said...

Wonderful fun. I liked the way the finished product looked after it came out of the over. I'd love a piece.