Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Happy Fourth of July!!!

It's been a few years since I posted to this blog and a lot has happened.  The biggest thing that happened was that my Sweet Jay passed away on February 12, 2019.  Hence the reason for not posting.  I'm not going to go into detail but suffice it to say, he fought the hard fight but when he was told the cancer [small "c"] had moved to his brain, I think that was just too much for him.  In any case, he's no longer suffering and [selfishly] I don't have to watch him suffer and deteriorate.  Here's a fabulous photo [was there ever a bad one of him?] that I just love.  It was in Carmel at the California Market several years ago.

My life is getting back to normal [whatever that is] and I'm planning a trip to the Northeast in October/November and am SO looking forward to it.

I'm not going to post dinners or events other than true travels, so if you're interested, please stay tuned.

Oh, how I miss This Man!!!

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