After a little over two hours, we stopped at a Burger King so Jay could have his new discovery: bacon, egg and cheese croissant that isn't soaked in dripping grease! Two hours after that, he had to have a DQ cone. There are mandatory stops along I35 that MUST be made.
Thankfully, the trip was uneventful though the fog in Oklahoma and Kansas was very thick in spots. Thank goodness for WAZE, a wonderful app that I've used for a couple of years.
We got to Liberty, Missouri at around 4:15 and checked into the Hampton Inn. Since I'd neglected to pack PJs or a nightgown [due to my stress over making sure Jay packed what he needed], our first stop after checking in was the TJ Maxx near the hotel, where a nifty pair of PJs was purchased. Then, off to dinner at Longhorn Steak House. Jay enjoyed his scotch
and I enjoyed my KJ chardonnay. Food was eaten but secondarily. Just relaxing was in order.
Right now, we're back at the hotel. I've washed the catsup stains out of Jay's jeans down by the river on the rocks, and we're now settled in for the night. Another five or six hours to Bettendorf tomorrow and then we'll settle into Jay's dad's house for a week. There's a lot to do this week and, thankfully, the temps are supposed to be above freezing and maybe even into the mid-40s!
Monday, the 8th: After a VERY quick [and not terrific] bite at the hotel, we headed out. We stopped only one time for gasoline and made it to the house much earlier than we anticipated. However, even though we had the keys, we couldn't get in the door, so a call to cousin J.O. was made. He arrived and discovered the door was, indeed, unlocked but we hadn't used enough "shoulder" to open it. Oh, well!
While Jay and J.O. talked about things, I made up the beds and started emptying drawers. So much of Ada's things were still in closets, drawers and cabinets even though she passed nearly 25 years ago. Much to do - much to do.
After a few hours of going through things, we headed across the Mississippi to Miss Mamie's for dinner. I love this place - really good, unpretentious food and GENEROUS adult beverages. I had a really nice horseradish encrusted salmon! And their Garlic Salad is WONDERFUL!!! I really could eat two and forego the main meal.
Then, back across the Mississippi to the house and an early bedtime as we were both pretty whipped.
Tuesday, the 9th: We started getting rid of things in earnest! On one of my trips outside to the trash bins, I spotted a black [or nearly black] squirrel. I'd never seen one before. Grey, yes; and brown, yes - but never a black one. I've got my Nikon charged and if given the opportunity again, I will try to get a photo.
We loaded up the car [and I DO mean LOADED] and made a trip to the local Good Will. Then, a grocery run and home again to do more work on the house. J.O. stopped by to see our progress and then the neighbor, Steve, came over. He and his wife had been in Austin when Jay's dad passed and thought they'd missed the service. He GRACIOUSLY shared their WiFi with me and I'm quite the Happy Camper - well, Happier Camper. I do NOT plan on abusing their generosity.
Ada was happy doing needlepoint and did a number of wonderful pieces. I'm taking one back to Dallas and it will have a place of honor next to my Mother's pieces.
Headboard in Master Bedroom - Not going to Dallas |
Moving to Dallas |
What an amazing lady Ada was! The articles and tributes following her death in 1990 were amazing. Here is the Amazing Lady in a portrait she really didn't like and neither does Jay [it doesn't do her justice], so we're not taking it to Dallas. Ada was a fashion icon in the Midwest. She modeled, then owned her own modeling school, agency, wrote several fashion columns, and had her own cosmetics line. A true Lady of Grace.
Diane, who passed suddenly in June, was artistic as well and this home is filled with pieces that she did. We're taking a few back to Dallas and here are two of them:
A pen and ink Diane did of this home. |
Finally, we decided to quit and grab dinner at Biaggi which really wasn't as good as either one of us remembered, and then home again. Another early bedtime.
Wednesday, the 10th: More sorting, tossing, and donating going on at the house. Then we met with Amy Karnavas of Mel Foster Realtors to get an idea what the house could bring on the market. Of course, since it's in dire need of a new roof, new carpeting, wiring, paint, etc, Jay's going to sell AS IS. Amy knows a few investors who are interested. So, hopefully, we can get that task started before we head back home. We then went to Clinton to have lunch with cousin John and wife Evelyn. They own a farm that's been in the family for a very long time. We had a lovely lunch/visit at The Candlelight Inn which is right on the Mississippi River. The River has begun to freeze in parts which just amazes me that a river with such a current could actually freeze. Folks say that people have actually walked across the frozen river! After lunch, John drove us around the farm, quarry [which used to be owned by the Shaff family], the family's former dairy, and former family homes. What a history John has compiled for the family. Yes, it's cold but the worst part is - the sun is hiding which makes it feel even colder. We then headed back to the house for more work.
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If you look hard, you can see the ice forming. |
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Evelyn, John and Jay |
Barn at the old family dairy. |
Evelyn's beautiful handmade quilt. |
Since I've been awakening between 2 am and 3 am every day [due to a neighbor warming up his truck for 30 minutes each day at an unGodly hour], bedtime was extended to nearly 11:00 p.m. in the hopes I'd fall asleep and STAY asleep. Fingers crossed and earplugs inserted!
Thursday, the 11th: Wonder of wonders, I actually slept for 6-1/2 hours!!! I feel so much better today than I have the past few days.
Jay took another carload over to Good Will while I started to search through file cabinets for pertinent paperwork. Thankfully, I found the Abstract of Title right away, for which Jay is very thankful. The trash bin and recycle bin are full and about 1/4 of the garage has stacks of garbage bags full of papers, magazines and other trash they accumulated since 1955!
In the hopes of luring the black squirrel, I threw out some popcorn into the backyard. After a bit, not one but TWO black squirrels arrived and I was lucky enough to snap a shot!
They didn't go for the popcorn but several Cardinals, male and female, came by but I wasn't able to get a shot.
After several more hours of working on the house, we readied ourselves and rode off to fetch J.O. for dinner. We stopped in to see his Mom, Lissi, who's been fighting the good fight and is a wonderful Lady. Off to Bass Street Chop House and after an adult beverage [or two] a wonderful meal was had by all. Our waitress was a TAD over the top on the Perk Factor which did NOT add to our [my] overall enjoyment. And I know the new thing is to have eyebrows but NOT done like Groucho Marx as hers were. We could hardly avert our eyes and Jay said he was waiting for the duck to drop. But the steaks were good; adult beverages were good; fellowship was great!
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Cousin Jay O. Shaff |
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Moi and My Jay |
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Jay, Me, Jay - tuneful? |
Friday, the 12th: Still trying to de-clutter the house but are running out of time. Met with Martha Shaff, the family attorney, and Jay signed some documents in the event the estate goes into probate. We got some good information and advice from her. Afterward, we crossed the Mississippi and grabbed a quick lunch at Lagomarsino's, picked up a few things from Sam's and then to HyVee's, the local grocery chain. Jay's back at work on the house for a while. J.O. stopped by and the two men put their heads together to figure out what to do with all the things still in the house. J.O. is going to try to sell a few things and the rest will go to Salvation Army or the like. More chatting was done before Jay and I headed down the hill to The Village Inn for a not so rich dinner.
Back to the house with just a little more work. I opted for the bed at an early hour!
Saturday, the 13th: My Paleo lifestyle has pretty much gone out the window as Jay has gone, nearly every day, to the Burger King for his bacon, egg and cheese croissant - I get the BEC biscuit. BAD!!! but tasty - sort of. The graveside service is at two and I've gotten everything packed that we're NOT going to use today and in the morning. We could probably fill a U-Haul with all the things Jay would like to take home but he's being realistic. His dad's English saddle will definitely get into the car as well as a few other items.
The service at the family cemetery was short and very sweet. Right off, laughter ignited as Ariel, J.O.'s beautiful big old Lab pee'd on Jay's dad's grave. The Dad really liked the dog so it wasn't done with a mean spirit but how else can dogs mark their territory?
The cemetery is in the middle of the Shaff Family Farm and only relatives have been buried there since 1837 or earlier. Just Google "Shaff Cemetery" and it pops right up. There were four deaths this year - not a good year for the Shaff Family. Diane, Jay's sister, passed unexpectedly in June, two aunts passed and now The Dad. But what a long life he had! 101 years!
There were about 30 folks at the cemetery and nearly all of them came back to the house for light refreshments and good fellowship. We told the family that no one could leave the house empty handed and that turned out to be a good thing. Even Jay's Uncle Jim took a needlepoint pillow that said "I'd rather be golfing." There's still a lot in the house but the gracious J.O. is going to see if some of the things can be sold on EBay. Today I found a bible from 1887 which might interest someone.
Jay's got a terrific family some of whom I'd met for the first time today: Grace, a lovely attorney from Chicago; and Karen and her husband Steve, from Des Moines - she's also an attorney. I'd met Martha, the family attorney, and her husband Tom and kiddos, Maddie and Chase, at Jay's dad's 100th birthday party, and think most highly of them. And of course, J.O. who has been My Jay's savior over the last six months. And, John and Evelyn who I met the other day and think they're terrific. John is basically the family historian and has done an amazing job. Last but certainly not least is Lissi, the widow of The Dad's younger brother, David. She's one elegant lady and I hope she beats this insidious disease!
After everyone left, Jay and I went over to Moline to have dinner at Miss Mamie's again as we really enjoy it.
I'm not positive, but I think you might be able to tell we're pretty tired.
We're pretty much all packed and I'm setting my iPhone for 4:00 a.m. We're planning on driving straight through - 14 hours - as we need to get back to our home and get totally into the Christmas Spirit. It's been a rough week but it had highlights and, as I said, the family is really terrific.
We're planning on retiring early - due to early reveille - but I'm not going to publish this post until we get back to Dallas.
Sunday, the 14th: Up at 4:00 a.m. but due to the male member of this duo, we didn't leave the house until 5:20 a.m. It was a riot loading the car! Men!!! Give it up! Women know how to pack!!! So, off we went with Jay behind the wheel. After a couple of hours and Jay's eyes closing while driving, I put my foot down and drove for a tankful. Of course, he had to have his breakfast sandwich but couldn't find a Burger King so he settled for a McDonald's breakfast sandwich. MEH!!! It was a good thing that it was cloudy and overcast the entire way - with rain even. After going through Oklahoma City, we heard on the radio that they were experiencing a huge hail and wind storm. Thankfully, we missed it.
Due to Jay's "unsettledness", I drove most of the way home and AM TIRED right now. Once we got home, I ordered a pizza, we unloaded half of the car and are now settled into our beloved environs.
Oh, on a gasoline / pee stop south of Oklahoma City, I was sitting in the car and waiting for Jay when I happened to pick up my iPhone, and tried to check in on Facebook when what to my wondering eyes should appear but Birdsong Wedding Chapel so I checked in. By the time we got home I had four comments on Facebook. RIOT. No, we're not married - WHY??? If it's beneficial we will so be on the lookout.
So, now I'm going to finish my glass of wine and hit the sack. It's been a rough week to say the least. Not only to deal with J.M.'s death but to deal with Jay dealing with his dad's death. I should have taken photos of the family at the cemetery and at the house afterward, but I FAILED.
Second glass of wine poured and about half finished. I think it's time to head to bed and to publish this post.
On another note, MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!
1 comment:
What a busy week you both had. I can imagine how you feel.....very tired but very accomplished on a job well done. I love the handwork by Ada and the artwork by Diane. Very talented ladies. Oh, and Evelyn's beautiful quilt. Although you worked hard, it looks like you had good, quality time with a very nice family.
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