Saturday, January 25, 2014

After the Facelift - Part 1

It's early afternoon on Saturday, January 25, and I need to sit for a bit.  Putting the house back together is HARD work and I even got Jay to contribute his brains and brawn.

The first thing I did was hang the little pieces in the front hallway.  The three oval ones are OLD:  one of my grandmother holding my mother with my Aunt Amelia standing.  Below that is one of my mother as a baby, and the solo one is my mother as a bridesmaid.  Knowing her, they had as much fun as Bridesmaids!

Then, I started on the kitchen.  I did just a little bit last night before I crashed -

and posted the top photo on Facebook.  A friend noticed the laughing pig.  It was my mother's and I took it from her home while she was in rehab.  Vicki has a similar cookie jar which is OLD.

The kitchen is pretty much back in order.  I need to get some new towels and other things, but that won't be today!

Also, put the foyer back in order:

Jay put up the pictures in the Master Bathroom and I did a little bit in there, but again, new towels, etc., and maybe even more things for the walls.

I'm still going to put random old mirrors over the tub but that's going to take time and Vicki, Mary and Val are going to "hunt" with me in March.

Believe it or not, my bed is not made yet!!!  That never happens - not even when I'm sick.  If Jay gets the art work up in the dining room today, there might be a photo or two tomorrow.  But for now, I'm about ready to do a few more things in the dining room and call it a day.

1 comment:

Vicki said...

It is all beautiful. I love the kitchen especially, but I'm pretty sure the place mats will not go. We'll see when I get there. I can't wait to go with the ladies in search of the mirrors. Do you still have the hats hanging in the bath area?