Wednesday, October 24, 2012

October 24, 2012 - Hackensack to Waterbury

Well, we left Hackensack at the appointed time - 8:45 am.  The weather was a bit gloomy and misty and not at all fallish:

 Not a particularly lovely day but we didn't care - we're on our way to Family Festivities.

Last year, we were unable to travel a particular route because of the flooding caused by Hurricaine Irene in August of 2011.  Bridges were washed out as were roads.  This year we took that route and thankfully theVermonters met the challenge and the road workers did their jobs.  We had a delay of about 10 minutes on a particular path but it was nothing to write home about.

The above was just shot from the car while waiting for the "go-ahead."  As I said, it took only about 10 minutes of waiting to get through so all was good.

Once we got close to our destination, the weather was BEAUTIFUL as predicted by Sue - wonderful blue sky and lovely cool temps.

Vick and I checked into the Waterbury Best Western and rested for an hour or so.  Then, off to Burlington International Airport to pick up Steve who was flying in from Dallas.  Then, off to Burlington for a bite to eat and a beer or two at Das Bierhaus in Burlington.

Now, Vicki and I are back in our room and in our snuggles, preparing for a hike Jim, brother, and Steve are taking us on tomorrow.  Hopefully, I'll be able to walk afterward.  

Great trip - Vick is the BEST driver - great meal - great family.  Just love being up here.



Darlene Robertson said...

Your photos are awesome! I'm now so homesick and it's all your fault!

Darlene Robertson said...

Your photos are awesome! I'm now so homesick and it's all your fault!