Sunday, September 29, 2013

Summer 2013 Recap

Wow!  This summer surely flew by.  Lots and lots of happenings - some good and some not so good - just like life.

Jay sold the Italia in May:

There it goes - off to a buyer in Houston, thanks to Steve Forristall.  He did a tremendous job of marketing the car and if I remember correctly, it took less than a month!  Thanks a million, Steve!!

As Jay promised, once the Italia vacated a spot in the garage, he'd buy me a new car:

She came home on May 30, 2013 and her name is Gretchen Lee.  She's quite a wonderful auto and I SO enjoy driving her.

So, in June, my nephew, Chris, got married to Sydney in a beautiful outdoor wedding in Vermont:

It was so much fun and such a beautiful wedding.  I love the fact that our family is growing with such fine folks that were added in June.

So far, all was good.  Then, on my last night in New Jersey, I picked up a cold and since my resistance was compromised due to my April pneumonia, it was a doozie!  But being the generous and giving soul that I am, I shared it with Jay - who received it and nurtured it - which resulted in nearly three days in the hospital for him.  Sodium levels were very low and he was not cleared by the doctor to fly or drive.  Hence, our trip to Carmel was cancelled for this year.  However, we could NOT cancel our trip to Iowa for Jay's dad's 100th birthday in early August.  Of course, I had to drive the entire time.  While it took two days to drive to Davenport, Iowa, we made it back to Dallas in one long 14 hour driving day.  I just wanted to get Jay home as it was his birthday and I'd left his stuff on my desk in the haste of loading the car.  I was one tired Old Broad but we got home safely and happily.

Now here it is - just a few days away from my annual trip to the northeast.  Jay's been cleared by his doctor and has made great strides - but not walking strides - that's yet to come.  I'll be leaving on October 2 and will return on November 3 after many fun times with my FABULOUS family and friends.

I'll try to post updates at least once a week while I'm in the northeast so please stay tuned for photos and commentary of family/friends fun.
